Yay, it's Friday!! My first week of interferon at Mountain State Tumor Institute went great. So far I feel fine and the week went by quickly. Everyone at MSTI is great and all the nurses are so sweet. I'm their last patient of the day so I know they are ready to head home but they still take great care of me. I'm having a hard time thinking of it as cancer treatment seems more like a spa. Ok, maybe I don't get out much so any time to myself without dragging kids around seems like a vacation even without any pampering. A huge THANK YOU to my mother-in-law, mom and sister for helping take care of the kids. Mike has been great at helping out at home even after his long 12 hour shifts at work. Thank you! Hopefully the next three weeks will go as well.

Stacy with her nurse at MSTI (week 1)

Stacy at MSTI getting her interferon treatment through her power port.