June started off with a bang. Alysha went to her first concert, Carrie Underwood at the Idaho Center with her aunt Molly & me. We had a great evening! Then Alysha was off to Texas to visit her dad & brother Jayden. Mike and I took Ashley & Owen out riding on one of his days off. Owen went fishing on Free Fishing day. We enjoyed a full filled day in Parma for Old Fort Boise Days. Where we watched the parade with cousin James playing in the band, played at the Parma pool, I belly danced with cousin Mariah's dance troop, Owen won a gold fish and the kids went on a few rides. A few days later we were off to Riggins, ID to visit my dad Rick and brother Cory while my grandfather Richard was there visiting. We had fun doing a little fishing and visiting the Salmon fish hatchery. When we got home Mike took the kids to the park and launched rockets one afternoon. It finally got warm enough to set up the pool in the backyard. We enjoyed visiting the library for the summer reading program with puppet shows, Kung-Fu, Discovery Center water science demo and free lunches at the park. Ashley had a refreshment stand at Grandma Reva's yard sale. Then I performed at the Weiser Fiddler's Festival with Mariah & Liz's dance troop which was really fun. Grandma Francee & Grandpa Jack took the kids for a weekend while Mike and I went camping up past Idaho City and rode our motorcycles. We got a visitor in the mail. Flat Stanley arrived from cousin Alyse. We are having fun making him clothes and writing in his journal. July is looking busy, busy, busy!

Stacy and Owen out for a slow ride.

Mike and Ashley out for a ride.

Stacy and Ashley out riding.

Waiting for the Old Fort Boise Days parade to start.

Cousin James playing his Tuba in the parade.
Kids at the Parma pool.
Cousin Mariah's dance troop performing at the Old Fort Boise Days.
Stacy and Mariah at Old Fort Boise Days.
Stacy performing her cane solo.

Ashley and Owen with Owen's gold fish he won.

Ashley on the fish ride.

Owen on the fish ride.

Kids on a space ship ride.

Mike and kids on the swings.

Mike fishing with Owen's little pole on the Salmon River, Riggins, Idaho

Owen fishing on the Salmon River

Grandpa Rick and Owen fishing.

Ashley on Grandpa Rick's deck over looking the Salmon River.

Ashley and Owen playing in the sand on the Salmon River.

Ashley & Owen at the Salmon Fish Hatchery. 350 adult Salmon in the pond.

Kids in front of the fry ponds.

Grandpa Rick, Ashley, Great Grandpa Richard & Owen
My dad Rick, me and my grandfather Richard, Bella too.
Mike and kids at park launching rockets.
Kids and rockets.

Playing in the pool in the back yard.

Ashley's refreshment stand at Grandma Reva's yard sale.

Kids at the park for the Free Lunch program.

Stacy getting ready to perform at the Weiser Fiddler's Festival.

Ashley with cousin Mariah's dance troop in the back ground.

Stacy performing at the Weiser Fiddler's Festival.

Stacy & Ashley at the Fiddler's Festival.
Stacy and Mike on their 5th anniversary

Camping in the mountains up past Idaho City.

Out for a ride in the mountains.

Mike playing in the dirt.

Brrrrr.... it's cold in the mornings.

Stacy on a ride before heading home.

Mike and Stacy on a ride before heading home.

Catching butterflies to take home for the kids to see.
They were everywhere!!

Kids with Flat Stanley at the Library getting their reading prizes.

Ashley having lunch at the park with Flat Stanley.