(Kids decorating our Real tree)
It was the first year we have had a real tree since before Alysha was born. I figured the kids were big enough to leave it alone but didn't think about my puppy Bella. I put presents under it then she left it alone.

Ashley picked out a pretty ballerina ornament and Owen picked out a little nutcracker then they put them on the tree. Ashley took a field trip to see the Nutcracker Ballet with her class.

Alysha had her holiday orchestra concert which was really good. We got her flowers and a little violin ornament for the tree.

Owen had his preschool Christmas program which was cute and they did a great job singing songs. Owen was the first kid to speak on the microphone to welcome everyone to the program. He was so funny during the program! He looked like he had ants in his pants, wiggling all over the place. Then he started eating his sleeve of his sweater and doing lip exercises. Most of the other kids were doing weird things be the end of the program, very entertaining!! We gave him a bigger nutcracker to crack real nuts with.

(The girls)
A week before Christmas my parents and Molly and her family all came over for dinner and we celebrated Christmas together. Molly brought this cute little mustaches so we had to take a few photos.

(The boys)

(Stacy and Mike)
(Molly, Alysha & Stacy)
Grandpa Rick and uncle Cory came for dinner a few nights before Christmas.
We went to Grandma Reva's house to celebrate Christmas Eve. Shelley and Sarah flew in for the holidays which added to the fun. My photos didn't turn out so no photos of Christmas eve.

Christmas morning the kids were so excited. We started by opening stocking then tried to slowly open presents. Then we cleaned up all the paper and started putting things together.

Alysha with some of her presents. Nintendo DSi and lots of games to keep her busy!

Ashley with her presents. She got her Playmobil princess castle and games.

Owen with his presents. He was so excited and said "Thanks, mom! It's just want I wanted" every time he opened a present. He got his three headed sea serpent he had been talking about for months, plus a small knights castle, a big wheel and games.

The Grinch - putting Ashley's castle together. It only took two hours. I figured I did all the planning, shopping and wrapping so this is his job. The next day he put Owen's pirate ship together but it wasn't as hard.

We went to the park to test out Owen's rocket he got from Grandma & Grandpa Wassard. He thought it was so AWESOME.
Over the break Kristey, Shelley and I took the kids sledding in Parma. There wasn't much snow but we had a great time.
New Years Eve we went to Grandma Reva's for karaoke, finger food, new hair dos, games and puzzles.
Sarah, Alysha and Amanda on New Years Eve. I talked Mariah into bleaching my hair blonde so the girls used some of the bleach to put blonde streaks in their hair so they all match.