May was over flowing with activities; picnics, field trips, Mother's Day, birthday parties, end of school parties,
Lowe's workshops, orchestra & music concerts and graduations.
I picked up a new hobby - Motorcycling, yes me on a motorcycle! Mike found me a beginner bike to practice on and I took the Idaho Star Motorcycle class and passed. I even got my endorsement! Looking forward to nice weather to practice in!

Kids at one of the Lowe's Build and Grow workshops.

Stacy with her 1975 Honda CT90 trail bike

Yes, I do have a helmet and jacket - safety first!

Owen at the Boise Zoo on his preschool field trip.

Owen watching the penguins at the zoo.

Ashley with her group on their first grade field trip to the zoo.

Ashley and friends at the zoo.

We celebrated
Kristey's 40
th birthday.
Inbetween rain storms we managed to paint the shed.

Close to finished shed, aka mini barn!

Owen on stage with his class at preschool graduation.

Owen getting his preschool completion certificate.

Owen got "Most Inquisitive" Award!

We celebrated my Grandma Jane's 90
th birthday in

Kids drinking orange cream sodas at Great Grandma's party. (Mason, Ashley & Owen)
Alysha and Delaney hanging out at the party.

Mike got put in charge of
BBQing the chicken.

Me and my sister!

Uncle Cody showing
Alysha how to babysit!

Wassard side of the family at Grandma Jane's party.
Mariah graduated High School, way to go