Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's a Pirates Life for Me!!

Little Party Pirates

Argh....Mateys! We got argh computer back so here is argh pirate party photos! Owen's 4th birthday was loads of fun. We spent the morning building a cardboard pirate ship out of washing machine and dryer boxes. Decorated our chocolate pirate ship cakes and got dressed up. Cousins Mason and Delaney came over and we played in the cardboard ship then had a treasure hunt. Followed by a ton of booty (presents) to open and we sang "Happy Birthday" and cut into the chocolate pirate ships. It was a fun day!

Cardboard Pirate ship in our living room.

Owen in his ship

Owen with his "Booty"

Owen's after opening all his "Booty"

Mason and Owen with Birthday pirate ship cakes

Super Owen playing with his new pirate ship.


  1. Wow love your pirate ship...I was looking to build something similar for my son's 4th pirate bash this following saturday...How long did it take you to build it and any helpful suggestions, ideas please! Thank you.

  2. Cool cardboard ship. Wish there were more explicit directions and/or pictures regarding its construction.
